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ImmunoCare, 60's

ImmunoCare, 60's
Immuno-Care is a patented and clinically tested plant sterol and antioxidant supplement that regulates your immune system by “up-regulating” it when it is under-performing, such as when you are sick, and “down-regulating” it when it is overreacting, such as when you are suffering from allergies.
The formula is unique, novel, and is used extensively in clinical settings to support a dysfunctional immune response. It has the capacity to reduce nasty inflammatory markers CRP and IL-6 that are known be a major issue with auto-immune conditions.
The ingredients in Immuno-Care are very susceptible to destruction in the stomach acids, Celt Naturals found a way to protect these sensitive ingredients by enteric coating the active molecules, so they pass through the stomach acids safely and into the lower bowel where they have their maximum effect.

Wholesale: (Members Only)

Quantity in Stock:95

Product Code: 11505001-60
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